The ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
Information on total load [Article 3]
Week-ahead Total Load Forecast
Month-ahead Total Load Forecast
Year-ahead Total Load Forecast
Aggregated Unavailability of Consumption Units [Article 4]
Year-ahead Forecast Margin [Article 5]
Transmission infrastructure Expansion and Dismantling Projects [Article 6]
Expansion and Dismantling Projects
Information Relating to the Unavailability of Transmission Infrastructure [Article 7]
The Planned Unavailability Transmission Grid
Information Relating to the Estimation and offer of Cross Zonal Capacities [Article 8]
Forecasted Year-ahead Transfer Capacities
Offered Month-ahead Transfer Capacity / Explicit Allocations - Use of the Transfer Capacity
Yearly Report About Critial Network Elements Limiting Offered Capacities
Information Relating to the Use of Cross Zonal Capacities [Article 9]
Total Capacity nominated from explicit allocation
Total Capacity Already Allocated
Forecast Generation [Article 11]
The Sum of generation capacity (MW)
An Installed generation capacity equalling to or exceeding 100 MW
Day-ahead Aggregated Generation
A forecast of wind and solar power generation
Information relating to the unavailability of generation and prodaction units [Article 12]
Unavailability of Generation Units
Unavailability of Prodaction UnitS