What we offer

GSE offers one of the most exiting and development-oriented work environments in the electricity sector.

For the next 10 years, GSE will continue to invest financial resources in large infrastructure projects. Accordingly, while working with us, you have an opportunity to become a member of the team carrying out the investment project and actively get involved in the country's energy infrastructure construction and maintenance. The following projects are planned to implement in the medium term: construction of transmission lines (North Ring) to ensure connection to the hydro power plants under construction in the Enguri and Rioni river basins; and construction of new cross-border transmission lines planned in the directions of Russia, Turkey and Armenia. For more information about investment projects, please see the Ten Year Network Development Plan of Georgia.

Employees are able to work in a dynamic, exciting environment, accumulate unique experience, upgrade their qualifications, and improve their technical and social skills by a variety of internal and external trainings.

GSE offers labor remuneration relevant to the labor market rates and health insurance to all those seeking employment.