

Statement on Batumi-Akhaltsikhe Project

The Batumi-Akhaltsikhe Project, which implies the construction of a new power transmission line connecting the current 500/400/220 kV Akhaltsikhe substation to the existing 220 kV Batumi substation, is being carried out in compliance with the relevant international standards (BS, ГОСТ).

Mott MacDonald's, a consultant hired by Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC (AGL), created a conceptual design for the project purposes based on the agreement signed between the GSE, the Ministry of Energy and AGL. The above conceptual design provides for the results of the geological survey of the construction area; while, during the construction phase, the geological survey was conducted individually on each of the tower polygons for determining the type and class of foundations. Project contractor company KEC conducted the survey.

Geological report was prepared by Giorgi Baliashvili, academic doctor with 50 years’ experience in the field of rock mechanics, at the test laboratory of the LEPL G. Tsulukidze Mining Institute, the Department of Rock, Construction Material Properties and Quality Control. The towers were constructed in places where the survey showed that the construction was permissible and the grounds were acceptable to install the towers. During the construction of the foundation, the ground layer destroyed in the process of excavation work in the territory of No 318 Tower; therefore, according to the consultation of the project supervising engineer GOPA-International Energy Consultants GmbH, changing the location of the tower was necessary.

When arranging the access road between No 317-318 Towers (the access road was intended for conducting geological survey), the Phartenadzes’ site was affected. Under the contractual terms and conditions, contractor company KEC International Limited, which carries out construction works onsite, is responsible for restoration of the affected area. The Project has not completed yet; it is under construction. If KEC company does not fulfill its obligation until the Project is completed and does not bring the area to its original condition, there is a surety bond, based on which the area will be restored.