

The Delegation of GSE Visited Dublin

On November 13-17 GSE visited Dublin, Ireland and held meetings with Energy Companies such as EirGrid, E-NET, ESB International.

The Delegation of GSE Visited Dublin1

Following topics were discussed during the meeting with EirGrid: generation and transmission network of Ireland, Ten Year Network Development Plan, power reserves, wind generation integration, generation planning, electricity quality and energy trade.

E-NET shared their experience regarding fiber-optic network arrangement, exploitation and commercial and technical aspects of its rental in Ireland. ESB International shared their experience regarding asset management and service program functions and details, practical aspects, integratration and exploitation peculiarities.

The Delegation of GSE Visited Dublin2

The power system of Ireland has laready undergone the processes that are ahead of Georgian power system. Besides Ireland occupies nearly similar area as Georgia; there are back-to-back convertors in the power system of Ireland like in the power system of Georgia; Ireland does not have synchronous tie with continental part of Europe, that is one more similarity with Georgia, like the case when our power system has to work in isolated mode from Russian one; Irish power system companies use practically the same planning/asset managment as the ones used in Georgian State Electrosystem. Respectively, the experience gained from these companies will facilitate the work for Georgian State Electrosystem in regards to operating existing softwares, installation of new softwares and will simplify the difficulties connected with overcoming the challenges that the power system of Ireland has already outdone.