

The Delegation of GSE Visited Montenegro and Kyrgyzstan

On September 6-9, the chairman of Management Board of GSE Mr. Sulkhan Zumburidze and other GSE officials – Mr. Zurab Ezugbaia, Mr. Zurab Beselia, Mr. Levan Lominadze made a business trip to Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. During the visit important meetings were held with the representatives (management) of the companies „CRNOGORSKI ELEKTROPRENOSNI SISTEM AD“ and „COORDINATED AUCTION“. The former company is the similar company to GSE in Montenegro, which owns the transmission lines and substations. The latter company is engaged in electricity trading in 9 countries of Eastern Europe. The application is made to the company’s web-site about the volume of electricity to be sold by the country and the energy transfer is made on the basis of auction.

The Delegation of GSE Visited Montenegro and Kyrgyzstan1

“We met our colleagues, shared experiences and discussed various technical issues. The meetings were held in information exchange mode. It should be noted that the geographical location of Georgia gives us the opportunity to carry out a similar project in our county. There is a theoretical chance that we may become the conductor of electricity and therefore export it to neighboring countries”-stated Mr. Sulkhan Zumburidze, the chairman of Management Board of GSE.

On September 10-14 the meeting was held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan with the representatives of the member states of the Coordinating Commission of joint work of CIS and Baltic Countries ‘ power systems (КОТК). The representatives of the mentioned countries come together twice a year in order to share their experiences with foreign colleagues. The delegation from Georgia including members of GSE Management Board Mr. Ucha Uchaneishvili, Zurab Ezugbaia and Zurab Beselia visited Kyrgyzstan as observers.

The Delegation of GSE Visited Montenegro and Kyrgyzstan2

Mr. Ucha Uchaneishvili stated: “Several important meetings were held and close professional contacts were made between the CIS and Baltic States Electrical Power Systems’ Operators, which is definitely a step forward for the country’s energy system.