European Commission Experts Sharing Experience with GSE Staff
GSE is hosting the European Institutional Development Support Organization TAIEX delegation at GSE Premises on July 6-10, 2015. The purpose of their visit is to provide GSE with information regarding modifications made in EU legislation as regards the energy sphere. The topics of the seminar are power sale practices, power energy markets liberalization and issues of Pan European market establishment.
In this frames of the mission GSE staff will gain information regarding target consultation and experience for the purpose of harmonization with acting EU legislation.
Much attention is also devoted to regulations and technical requirements of European Transmission System Operator Unity (ENTSO) as well as membership demands.
The mission is compiled with two members – Digna Eglite, Deputy Head of Legal Department of Regulatory Commission of Latvia, Legal Department Energy Section Head and Nickolas Frydas, European Network Department Manager of ENTSO.
TAIEX (technical support and information exchange) represents institutional development tool established by European Commission which was implemented in Georgia since 2007. In frames of European neighboring policy, TAIEX enables provision of short-term technical support for the purpose of bringing beneficiary country’s national legislation nearer to European legislation.