

Georgian State Electrosystem Constructing New 220/110kV Substation Khorga

GSE started implementation of the project for constructing new 220/110kV substation Khorga in frames of Regional Power Transmission Enhancement Project.

The Project is implemented with the financial support of Asian Development Bank and its cost amounts to 11.9 million Euro. Construction works are executed by Austrian Company Siemens.

Georgian State Electrosystem Constructing New 220110kV Substation Khorga

“I’m glad that GSE has started implementation of the project that is of high importance for our country with its efforts. This project will support the increase of power transmission capacity, nonstop supply of additional capacity to Poti industrial zone, connection to export markets and will enable the country to implement power export to Turkey” said Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of GSE.

It should be mentioned that 10 local residents are employed in the project implementation on this stage and their number will increase in accordance with the project implementation process.

Completion of works is scheduled for the first half of 2016.