GSE Delegation Visit To Norway
GSE delegation visited Norway on 17-21 August, 2015 for a working visit. GSE held meetings with different representatives of the energy sector of Norway during their visit such as Statnett+, StatCraft, NEA, Nord Pool Sport.
It should be noted that meeting with Norwegian TSO Statnett, where Companies exchanged information regarding system operation experience, characteristics and means for handling existing challenges. The information obtained by GSE is very important and useful as far as it will enable to advance Georgian power system operation process that will strengthen power system stability.
Meetings with Norwegian colleagues was very significant considering following: hydro energy is developed in Norway and represents 95% of the Country’s generation. Their experience is very valuable for Georgia as far as it provides 75% of its consumption with energy generated by hydro power plants and is in the process of significant hydro projects implementation. Besides, Norway has synchronous and asynchronous connections with neighboring countries some of which have large thermal power stations as well as nuclear power stations. This is also similar to the existing condition of Georgia, when neighboring Azerbaijan’s generation comes mostly from thermal power stations and Armenia has a nuclear station. Experience of Norwegian TSO is very important for Georgia from the point of view of development of regional market in Caucasus and investment raise.
GSE delegation also held meetings with regulatory committee representatives of Norway, which share their experience regarding service tariffs.
Meeting with StatCraft, which is the owner of 35% of internal generation capacity, was also very important. It is also one of the largest trader companies throughout Europe. Besides, it implements projects in different countries, including Turkey. GSE delegation tried to interest the Company with Georgian market. Their involvement in the Georgian market will bear positive effect on competitive environment.
GSE also met with market operator company Nord Pool Sport. This company is the market operator in Scandinavian as well as Baltic countries. It is involved day-ahead sale management in the countries of Central Europe and Iberian Peninsula. This meeting was interesting from the point of view of creating regional market in which GSE as a TSO has one of the leading roles.