GSE Training Center Graduates are Employed in the Company
Georgian State Electrosystem has new Training Center graduates. One more group of young engineers graduated training and qualification raising courses, consisting of practical and theoretical lectures during one year. All 13 graduates are employed in different regional networks, departments and substations of GSE.
Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of GSE awarded the graduates with certificates during the award ceremony on June 26. He congratulated the graduates and noted: “GSE has been implementing this program for 10 years already, since 2005. 140 students participated in this program and almost 100 of them are now GSE employees. You are the jubilee group. All this year graduates have been employed at GSE. I’d also like to note that your employment coincided with the very favorable and interesting period in GSE considering the significant international projects and projects implemented with GSE own resources. Participation in mentioned projects will enable you to learn a lot in order to develop your professional skills.”
GSE Training Center will compile new group of students in Autumn of 2015.