

New Tariff is Fixed for Transmission-Dispatch Services of GSE

Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission fixed new tariff for transmission-dispatch services of GSE on March 27, 2015.

According to the new tariff methodology, transmission service tariff for 1 kilowatt-hour amounts to 0,758 Tetries and dispatch tariff for 1 kilowatt-hour amounts to 0,102 Tetries. Tariff for services provided by GSE had not been revised since 2006. The tariff fixed for transmission services provided by GSE in 2006 was two-leveled: 0,5 Tetri was fixed for 220/110/35 kV and 1,109 Tetri for 6/10kV. Now voltage differentiation is eliminated and the Company has one tariff on all voltages for transmission services.

Tariff methodology was revised in 2014 according to the resolution of Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission. Georgian State Electrosystem submitted two applications regarding tariff increase for transmission and dispatch services. Tariff applications were reviewed during three months. The resolution came into force on April 1, 2015 and will be valid until December 31 of the current year.

Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission will review existing tariffs and will fix new tariffs every year.

Increase of the tariff will support the enhancement of transmission as well as dispatch service quality indicator, raising the investments and implementation of significant projects planned by the Company.