Stretching Equipment Testing Was Carried out at Navtlughi Training Centre Polygon
Testing works of power line and fiber-optic cables installation devices were carried out at Navtlughi Training Centre polygon.
As it is known to Public, Georgian State Electrosystem, JCS is successfully conducting optics stretching works within SCADA project. The works are already finished in most of GSE owned substations. The two sections (Eastern and Western) of the rehabilitation of transmission lines were formed at GSE which perform the rehabilitation of old and damaged lines owned by GSE.
In 2014, GSE purchased stretching devices with the help of USAID and the old lightening cables installed on PTL “Paliastomi 1” were removed and the new fiber-optic cable installation works have been carried out. As a result of continuous rehabilitation works, all the results of shutdowns on PTL Pasiastomi 1,2 which took place in 2013 have been eliminated. The rehabilitation project was finished a week ago. At this moment, the reinforcement works of Paliastomi 2 tower is ongoing.
The main transmission facilities of Georgian Energy system are 220 KV lines. Given that our country’s mountainous relief does not allow heavy techniques and off-road vehicles to move freely, the decision was made to purchase additional 220KV small size stretching devices for East Georgian group which represents the main factor for the implementation of the company’s future plans (including, rearrangement of “Sataplia” PTL into double circuit line; rehabilitation of “Ajameti” PTL).
The installation of fiber-optic cables on PTLs Manavi-220 and Toneti 2 will begin in near future. The process will start in a month and will be completed by the end of 2015.