Substation Khorga and PTL Khorga 1,2 Construction in Progress
The ceremony for the start of Substation Khorga and PTL Khorga 1,2 Construction was held on July 31. This project which is of high importance for the development of energy sector in Georgia is implemented with the support of ADB (Asian Development Bank) and with the co-financing of the Government of Georgia.
Construction works on double chain PTL Khorga 1,2 are in progress. ¾ of works has already been performed. There have to be performed works for the installation of ten towers and cable installation works on the second chain. Besides there are works going on in SS Menji 220 for the construction of new 220 kV bays for Khorga 1,2. PTL Khorga 1,2 will connect SS Menji 220 with SS Khorga 220.
PTL construction works will be finalized in September, as for the substation construction works – in the year of 2016.