World Bank Mission Visit to GSE
World Bank mission visited GSE on October 5-10 joined by IFC experts team. They had meetings with GSE representatives headed by Sulkhan Zumburidze, project management team and supervising consultants.
Main subject of the meeting was the monitoring of 220kV Akhaltsikhe-Batumi line construction preparatory works which is implemented in frames of Transmission Network Strengthening Project financed by the World Bank. During the meeting there were also set specific activities necessary for supporting and implementation of the second component of the mentioned project – preparation of electricity regional sale platform.
On October 6-7 technical expert of the mission visited tower installation spots on the Akhaltsikhe-Batumi line route which have been amended during the design.
Closing meeting was held at GSE premises on October 8 with project management team and supervising consultants.