

GSE will Finalize Three Projects of Great Significance in September

The year 2016 is outstanding for the power engineering of Georgia. Three substations equipped with modern technologies will be added to the power system.

GSE is implementing overall rehabilitation of Ksani-500 with the support of Asian Development Bank. This project will support improvement of power supply to the East Georgia, mostly Tbilisi and Shida Kartli, it will also increase stability of the system and support electricity export/import.

Another project also supported by Asian Development Bank is the construction of Marneuli-500. It will be a closed type substation implying total remote operation of the substation. This project will support capacity transmission from generation sites existing in East Georgia and implementation of transit connection with Armenia planned in the future.

One more significant project implemented by GSE is the construction of Jvari-500. It will improve the quality and stability of services provided on international and local levels, as well as supply Poti Industrial Zone with necessary capacity and transmit capacity of prospective power plants located in River Enguri Basin to Turkey.

All projects are implemented under schedule and GSE plans to complete them in September.

GSE will Finalize Three Projects of Great Significance in September1