Regular Working Session for Preparation of Power Markets Was Held in Munich
On October 1-5, 2018, delegation of Georgian State Electrosystem participated in the working session held by BLUEBERRIES GMBH consultation company in Munich, Germany.
The session was dedicated to the preparation works for establishment of day-ahead, intraday and balancing power markets organized in Georgia. Consultants from Norwegian NORD POOL CONSULTING company and representatives of SIEMENS, the essential software supplier to the balancing market, were also involved in the sessions in partnership with BLUEBERRIES experts.
The parties discussed the normative-legal framework required for the operation of organized markets and the action concept, business model and organizational structure of the markets; they also talked over the links between the organized markets and other leading companies in the power sector. The European and Georgian experts jointly evaluated the expected challenges of the reform and developed a specific result-oriented action program.
At the Munich working session the parties decided to establish the Project Management Committee composed of George Chikovani, Head of Energy Development Fund of Georgia, Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of GSE, and representatives of NORD POOL CONSULTING, BLUEBERRIES GMBH. The Committee Establishment Act shall be submitted to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia to ensure the representation of the government agency.