Georgian State Electrosystem Passed Quality Management System Audit
Georgian State Electrosystem has successfully undergone an annual audit of the quality management system which is in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 standard. As a results, the validity of the certificate for another year has been extended.Audit work was carried out by the auditors of the international company DQS (Ukrainian office).
Three-year Quality Management Certificate was awarded to Georgian State Electrosystem for the first time in 2014. In 2017, for re-certification, DQS GmbH auditors of the German company checked the compliance of the Georgian State Electrosystem with the requirements of the new version of ISO 9001: 2015 standard and in conclusion issued a three-year certificate, including two oversight audits per year.
GSE has confirmed that the company is constantly addressing stakeholder requirements, working to improve services, taking into account safety standards and environmental requirements. The company improves the infrastructure, identifies and assesses risks and opportunities that may affect the quality of services provided by GSE and stakeholders.
Georgian State Electrosystem is the first energy organization in Georgia holding the Certificate.