

Georgian State Electrosystem Completed the SCADA System Upgrade Project

Georgian State Electrosystem has completed the dispatch system supervisory control and data aquisition system (SCADA) upgrade project, which envisaged the refinement of remote control processes and transition to a completely new stage of development.

The SCADA system was upgraded as part of the Transmission Grid Strengthening Project, with financial support from the World Bank, with the direct participation of the contractor SIEMENS Aktiengesellschaft Oesterreich, and under the supervision of the consulting firm PWC - PricewaterhouseCoopers Georgia LLC.

As part of the project, SCADA software and hardware were completely upgraded. Reporting system was introduced for automated generation of reports, and Spectrum 7 v2.20 was introduced in the software part. Apart from SCADA core module, it includes other important modules such as automated generation control, which meets modern requirements and is compatible with the balancing and ancillary services market management program.

The project started in 2015 and the implementation process consisted of the phases of initiation, design and implementation. At all three stages, the upgrade of the dispatch system supervisory control and data aquisition system was carried out with the direct participation of GSE staff, whose highly professional involvement played an important role in the successful completion of the project.

At this stage, the SCADA system is harmonized with the standards of the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO) and meets the modern requirements for the system.The implementation of the project will dramatically improve the power system management process, it will provide more information exchange and efficient dispatching.
