Georgian State Electrosystem study Tour for Gori Schoolchildren
The senior students of Gori Municipality School # 12 visited Georgian State Electrosystem. Students visited the NCC located at the head office of the Georgian State Electrosystem and inspected control panel equipped with up-to-date technologies, responsible for the operational management of the power system. The senior students got acquainted with the basic principles of the operation of NCC, also they were delivered a lecture on general energy and the role of Georgian State Electrosystem in the development of the country's energy.
After the headoffice, the students visited GSE-owned Navtlugi-220 substation, where they were introduced to the specifics of the substation's operation, participated in the testing of voltage indicators and various electrical equipment testing work. During the tour, they also visited Zemo Avchala Hydro Power Plant (Zahesi), heard the history of the HPP and got acquainted with the process of generating electricity.
Raising interest of the new generation in the field of energy is one of the major priorities for the Georgian State Electrosystem.