Trainings on Electricity Market Operation
From October 19 to 23, a training cycle on electricity market operation was organized by the Georgian State Electrosystem. Due to the epidemic situation, the trainings were conducted online, using the WEBEX platform, and it was attended by potential participants of the balancing and ancillary services market, the Georgian National Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, representatives of Georgian Energy Exchange, distribution system operators, wholesale public service organizations, electric power generating companies and other interested parties.
The principles of the market operation and detailed procedures, registration of balance responsible parties and balancing service providers, placement of nominations, balancing capacity and participation in tenders of balancing power were discussed at the online trainings. Participants also discussed the new legal framework for organized electricity markets, the payment cycle, and various practical aspects of using an electronic market platform.
During the training, a simulation staging of the balancing and ancillary services market operation was performed, which enabled potential market participants to learn about the future functioning of the balancing and ancillary services market.
Georgian State Electrosystem, as a balancing and ancillary services market operator is constantly striving to raise awareness and enhance knowledge of potential market participants, which is an important factor in ensuring the readiness of the market to operate in real time.The electricity balancing market will be operational from 2021, which will help create an attractive investment environment and will offer consumers free option.