Restoration Works on Koda 1,2 OHL Completed
On the morning of July 16, due to strong winds and hail in Marneuli
Municipality, 5 pieces of reinforced concrete poles of transmission line
Koda-1.2 collapsed in the anchor span connecting
Marneuli 500 and Lisi-220 substations. Overhead line, grounding wire and fiber
optic cable were badly damaged, followed by emergency shutdown of 220 kv
transmission line Koda-1.2. Koda-1.2 provides the capital
with the reliable power supply, but the power
outage did not limit the customer.
Georgian State Electrosystem carried out repair works in the shortest time. For two weeks,
GSE crews worked at the site and the damage was completely eliminated. At this
point, the power line is operating smoothly.