Georgia-Romania Black Sea Submarine Interconnection Cable Project Feasibility Study to be Conducted
The feasibility study of the Black Sea submarine cable project will be carried out by the order of Georgian State Electrosystem.
Through research, the possibilities and best ways of practical implementation of the project will be identified. Energy companies from Romania and other interested neighboring countries of the South Caucasus will be involved in the study.The feasibility study will be conducted by CESI, an Italian consulting company selected through an international tender.The duration of research and consulting services is 18 months.
The Black Sea submarine cable project envisages the construction of a high-voltage underwater transmission grid, which will connect the power systems of Georgia and Europe. In case of project implementation, 1,195 km long cable (1100 km - submarine and 95 km land) will be connected to Romania, which will enable the countries of the South Caucasus and Romania to take advantage of broadened export opportunities and trade in electricity at hourly market prices. The implementation of the project will contribute to the strengthening of energy security in Europe and the South Caucasus region, the development of the renewable energy sector and increase transit opportunities between the designated regions. The Strategic Interconnector project occupies an important place on the agenda between the Government of Georgia and the European Union, as well as in the format of cooperation between ENTSO-E and the Georgian State Electrosystem.