Meeting as a Part of South Caucasus Energy Cooperation Project
Organized by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Energy Association (USEA), working meetings were held among the Georgian State Electrosystem, the Turkish Electricity Transmission System Operator (TEIAS), and the Electricity Coordination Center (EKC). The purpose of the meeting between GSE and TEIAS was to discuss the draft mechanism for compensating unforeseen deviations in the cross-border transfer of electricity.
The parties, along with the project consultants, discussed enhancing of the mechanism of hourly deviations in exchanging electricity between Georgia and Turkey. This involves the calculation of the volumes of hourly deviations between the countries occurring during the monthly timeframe and also the model of returning electricity (calculated deviation) from one country to another.
As part of the South Caucasus Energy Cooperation Project, the transmission system operators of both countries will collaborate to establish common settlement rules. These rules will be developed in accordance with national legislation, aiming to strengthen the effectiveness of cooperation between GSE and TEIAS.