Discussion of the Energy Market Introduction Held at GSE
During the period of September 3-6, joint working meetings of representatives of Nord Pool Consulting and Blueberries GMBH consulting companies, GSE and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia were held at the Head Office of Georgian State Electrosystem. The above companies provide Georgian State Electrosystem with consulting services and assistance in establishing modern European energy markets.
The aim of the meetings was to discuss the Energy Market Introduction Project, which will be launched in 2019 in our country and will include the introduction of day ahead market, hourly market and balancing mechanism. Representatives of foreign companies, who are providing GSE with balancing market management software, also attended the meetings.
“The introduction of free, competitive and hourly energy markets is part of the reform that Georgia shall implement in order to join the Energy Community. Project implementation will make it possible to attract more investments in the energy sector, the process of setting electricity prices will become more transparent, the European model will be introduced, and all these are very important for our country's energy sustainability", Sulkhan Zumburidze, Chairman of the Management Board of Georgian State Electrosystem, said at the end of the meetings.