Georgian State Electrosystem Performs Large-Scale Works in Svaneti Region
Georgian State Electrosystem is carrying out the Lajanuri substation expansion work and Ifari OHL and Mestia OHL reconstruction work in Svaneti to ensure that the power to be generated by Mestiachala 1 and Mestiachala 2 HPPs being under construction is flown through the grid. Within the scope of the Project, the autotransformers have been transported from Menji substation to Lajanuri HPP substation.
The Project comprises two phases: During Phase I, Kakhari-110 substation to be constructed by Svaneti Hydro will be connected to Ifari substation with the overhead transmission line. During Phase II, Georgian State Electrosystem will arrange two 110kV and one 35 kV linear cell to connect the Ifari and Kakhari substations. Linear cells will also be arranged at Jakhundari and Lajanuri substations.
In December, Mestiachala 1 and Mestiachala 2 HPPs will start operation in testing mode, and in spring, during water floods, it will be possible to flow 50 MW power generated by the HPPs through the grid and deliver to customers, which will further increase the energy potential of Georgia.