

Visit of IPS Representatives to GSE

Representatives of German IPS Company visited Georgian State Electrosystem to discuss the issues related to the implementation of the Final, Third Phase of the Work & Assets Management (WAM) Program for GSE employees.

Working meetings and training seminars will last for a week. Representatives of the German company SIEMENS and the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) will also join the meetings and seminars on October 29 and share experience of GSE staff in the progress of the WAM Project and the success in its implementation. Within the framework of the visit, they have scheduled to arrive at Gldani-220 substation and demonstrate small diagnostic works onsite.

The Work & Assets Management (WAM) Program is being implemented to manage the processes of correct, fast, operational, organizational and technical measures for basic and supporting electrical equipment and devices. After its implementation, a single database will be created, which will facilitate monitoring and management of core assets, and will significantly improve and simplify the working process.
